January 23, 2012

Drumroll, please...

I know I mentioned this in my last post, but I'm just SO FRICKIN' EXCITED and cannot contain myself so I'm telling y'all again...

I was asked, along with three other fantabulous ladies:  Yandie from Inspiration Strikes. In the Kneecaps, Mrs. One Day from One Day I'm Gonna... and Jessica from Simple Musings to join B. from The Opposite of That in a new group blog.  The blog is called Different Paths, Same Destination  and it will focus on weight loss.  Each of us are, in our own ways, attempting to lose weight, some just a few pounds, and others (like me) a bunch.  We're talking a whole Backstreet Boy.  Seriously, they only weigh like 90 pounds.  

Anyhoo, the first posts (coming very soon) will be our individual introductions, and then we'll get into the nitty gritty of it.  We will post about our successes, failures, progress, food, exercise - basically anything and everything having to do with our journeys through weight loss.  I suggest you get on over and follow us so you won't miss any of it!

We appreciate the support, just as we appreciate having each other to count on for support, encouragement, and shared celebration as we succeed in achieving our goals.  Hope to see y'all over there! 

P.S.  Those chicks I mentioned up there...they're totally awesome, and their blogs prove it.  If you're not already a follower, go check 'em out as well! :)


  1. I'm happy to be your blogging friend. You've enriched my life. :-)

  2. I do follow B's blog, and she's one awesome lady. It's cool you were able to come together like this and I hope it goes well.

  3. Have fun with it. Great success always happens when you have the support of friends.
    For instance, I never would have broken out of the joint without Sal and Guido "the Knife."

  4. Thank you for your support and friendship. I swear to Jebus, we are all gonna meet up one day. In fact, I can do a 'one day I'm gonna...' about it! Woohoo! See? Y'all inspire me all the time.

    I'm honored to be a part of this new blog and among all 6 of you. I don't know what I did to be so lucky, but yay!! All of you really make me smile and am so happy to call you friends.

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